07 October 2012

yogurt? yep.

Since I'm on the topic of hair, I want to mention yogurt..

Like I said in my last post, I don't buy hair products.. Well, let me back up - I don't buy expensive hair products. I'm definitely not against lab created hair stuff. I still don't really understand what silicones are, but apparently they make my hair really soft. Why take that away? lol. Anyway, yogurt has become a staple in my semi non existent regimen. I use it as a prepoo-protein-deep-conditioning treatment (gotta love the all-in-one).

I don't really remember why or how I came across the idea of using yogurt, but somehow I was led to this website: Lipstick Masala.. Yogurt apparently has some type of antifungal and antibacterial properties.. its also good for probiotics, which i will assume does some good for my hair too lol. Well, the yogurt, in all its wonderfulness (except its taste, cause that's just gross) has some cleansing powers as well. A clear, healthy scalp means healthy hair growth, right? Welp, at 3 bucks for a gigantic tub, I was sold. I don't even have to eat this stuff to reap some benefits. YES!

Yogurt also offers protein which is great for hair too.. I don't really know all the ins and outs, and scientifics behind using yogurt, I just know it works for my hair..

Now, to the cut: For my hair mask I mix a few good scoops of full-fat yogurt (and yes, it needs to be full fat), 1 egg, 1 banana, and some olive oil.. blend it up really well (to avoid banana chunks) and smooth onto dry hair starting at the scalp.. I like my masks to be good and thick, so I add just a capsule or two of fenugreek, which coincidentally also conditions my hair and adds a lot of slip to the mixture. I'm terrible about detangling, but this is a good time to go ahead and do that part.. Anyway, wrap your hair up in some type of plastic (I use a Kroger bag), then a towel to create more heat and leave on your hair for 30 minutes up to an hour (2 in you skipped the fenugreek).. then rinse, shampoo and condition as usual.. with the fenugreek though, you may find that you don't need any additional conditioner. TIP: let the yogurt reach room temp, or your head might get really really cold lol.. TIP 2: if you use the fenugreek, don't let it dry on your hair, or you'll have powder chunks in it.. they come out easy though, so I've read.

the fenugreek really softens the hair so I do NOT recommend leaving it on for very long or using it more than once a week, or even bi-weekly (I'm still working out the kinks).. the first time I used it, I added way too much and left it on for nearly 3 hours.. well, now I'm experiencing some breakage. before you FREAK out, I'm not going bald and thankfully I noticed early enough to make some changes. I emptied like 10+ capsules into my mix along with Dove conditioner and some other things.. chances are I just over moisturized my hair. Don't be afraid to experiment. Just know your hair, your ingredients, and your time.

Anyway, I will probably be using this again tonite. Since its getting to be winter time though, I'm on the hunt for a not so cooling hair mask. Any suggestions or tips? I'd love to hear them.

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